We won’t lie to you, there’s nothing sexy about this topic but it’s critical that game publishers know about it and take action. After all, without a Consent Management Platform (CMP), you could actually be blocked from making any money at all.
The article that you’re reading right now is the short version. Below you’ll find the basics of what everything means, your options for moving forward, and how Admix can help you out.
If you want to understand all of this in a lot more depth, keep an eye out for our next article coming very soon…
But we’ve already taken enough of your time, so here are the basics:
About consent management:
In Europe, GDPR law requires publishers operating in the European Union (EU) to give their consumers control over the personal data that is collected by apps they use.
As a publisher, you have direct access to your ‘consumers’ (but you probably call them ‘users’ or ‘players’). Therefore, the responsibility is on you to ask for consent for their data to be shared with 3rd party solutions like Admix or your other monetization partners.
Solution: The CMP
The CMP (Consent Management Platform) is a tool that you can integrate into your games, prompting players with a popup asking for their consent to proceed before any data collection happens.
Importantly, the CMP generates IAB TC encoded strings, which contain a list of IAB vendors who are and are not permitted to process non-sensitive user’s data. In other words, it tells the right people that your game is compliant with all regulations.
The great news is that publishers using this solution have seen an increase in revenue and higher eCPMs!
The bottom line is that you can either use your own custom consent solution and ask us at Admix to activate it for you on our end, or simply use a CMP we offer free of charge with SDK 2.2.
- Unity 2019.3.12f1 or later
- Admix SDK2.2 or later
Find even more helpful info here: https://docs.admix.in/docs/admix-plugin/consent-management-platform
Admix offers a FREE CMP solution as well, and please do contact us to set this up.
About age gating:
Knowing a player’s age is important to allow Admix to tailor the ads we show based on their responses.
Solution: The Admix PlayerInfo module
The PlayerInfo module is a friendly little pop-up to ask your users specific questions, like what their age or gender is.
How it works
By default, Admix blocks various types of ads to protect users from content that is prohibited to promote to them. For example, kids and teens should never see ads about:
- Alcohol
- Gambling
- The lottery
- Vaping
- Fast food
- Sugary drinks
These ads can, however, be served to adults above the legal age of consumption (which varies per country) which unlocks extra (potentially significantly extra) ad revenue for you.
With the PlayerInfo pop-up, you can enable these ad categories as an additional revenue stream by ensuring that these restricted ads are only served to users who specify an age above the legal limit.
It’s a quick and easy process and could unlock a lot of extra revenue for you as a publisher.
For more information please visit:
And when you’re ready to have this feature activated for you, contact support@admix.in
Easy as can be
So there you have it, two important topics and two simple solutions from Admix.
If you have any questions at all or you want to integrate these handy little features into your game, get in touch.
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